The Father's Love
6:37 PM
I was one of those kids before, jumping up and down in praise and worship, crying during the altar calls and making new friends. I remember those days when after all the preaching I heard throughout the day I would still read my bible before I sleep, so desperate to get a personal revelation from God. This time was a little bit different, as I was one of the people who would pray for those kids who needed prayer. I cried with them and embraced them. I cried mainly because I too have issues, and I am surprised at how the Lord like to use broken people like me. The prayers that flowed out of my mouth and heart were not coming from me at all, it was all the Holy Spirits work.
This year I still had the same goal to get a revelation from God.
It was the second night of camp, and I was feeling uneasy. It was my Dad's turn to share to the youth, and I looked at him, and started feeling overwhelmed by this man. He sang there with so much passion even after 28 years of serving in full time ministry. He shared the word of the Lord as if it was the first time. He looked so excited, so full, so vibrant. And I get to call this man "Dad". Are you kidding me? I am truly blessed.
I looked at my earthly father and I know without a doubt that he loves me. I can't count the many times he sacrificed and poured out his strength and devotion to his family. He supports me, cares for me, loves me, and makes me happy. And if an earthly father such as my Dad can love me so much how much more my Dad in heaven?
I know not everyone have a good relationship with their father, and my heart breaks for those children who do not feel loved my their Dads, this makes me want to share my Dad to them. My Dad's love is just so great, I can't bear the thought that other children our missing out! I want them to experience having a Dad like mine. I can't imagine living a life without a Dad like I have.
With this in mind, God finally gave me the much anticipated revelation.
My Dad is not the best father, my God is!!! And the fullness of God's fatherly loves is greater, wider, deeper and stronger. And if I would only spend more time receiving the love of my Heavenly father, and knowing more about this love then I will want to share this love to everyone. I will not be able to bear that other people are missing out on this father's love. They need to experience the love of my Abba Father! People need to hear the good news, because it is impossible to live without this kind of love! This love so deep, so strong, so unconditional...people need to know..people need to encounter this... people need to meet my Dad!
And so I cried and cried, feeling overwhelmed by such revelation. How come I missed this all my life? As a Christian, I find it important to share the Good news, but I how come I couldn't do it naturally? God reminded me that I needed to draw closer to Him so that I can get to know more about Him and His love. And when I know more about this love, sharing it to others will come naturally. It will be a part of me everyday.
Oh well... who can love the way God the Father loves us?
I left that Camp with a renewed passion to know God more and to share more of His love to other people.