We Need to go to Church
8:06 AM
I have a confession to make… Oh well today…Honestly, I didn't
feel like going to church.
Ooops. You know, I wanted to rest, and Oh I have an exam
tomorrow, and I was just sick the other day, and I was at church last friday,
so yeah I think I can skip Sunday right?
Excuses and more excuses.
But guess what? I did went to church! I am glad that I was
able to overcome that “feeling” and went ahead, and I couldn’t be more grateful
for how God spoke to me through the message tonight.
Growing up as a Minister’s child meant going to church every
Sunday. Sunday is my non negotiable, I wouldn’t schedule any other appointment
on that day except for my appointment with God and my fellow believers. But
recently as school started to wear me off, I noticed how my Sunday now became a
“negotiable”. I would sometimes have school related practices on Sundays, and I
would have no more time left or strength to go to church. And honestly,
sometimes I just don’t “feel” like going to church.
As I was listening to the Pastor preach a sudden verse pop
into my head:
“Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.”
That was the 3rd commandment from the 10
commandments God has given his people. I’m
not going into the technicality of Sabbath, and I know Sabbath day is not
really Sunday but before you rebuke me with your most eloquent form of rebuke along
with theological references, please hear me out.
As we all know Sabbath Day means “a day of rest”, and as
Christians we often see Sunday as our Sabbath day. Most church services are
done on a Sunday, and most offices are closed on Sunday, therefore people don’t
have work to do, right? So can we assume that Sunday is the Sabbath day for us?
Yes? No? Maybe? Well it is for me.
Moving forward…
So I sat there and God made me realized how important it was
for me to be there at church tonight. If I had not gone, I’d be acting in disobedience. Humans feel a lot, and we
sometimes let our “feelings” decide for ourselves. There are a FEW (emphasis on
the FEW) reasonable excuses on why you can’t go to church sometimes, but “I
don’t feel like going” is not one of them. Sabbath day is a day of rest, and I
assure you that you can find rest in God’s house.
Although our relationship with God is personal, it is
important that we partake in the gift of fellowship in the brethren. Speaking
of fellowship, the Apostle Paul always encouraged the believers to strengthen their
1 Corinthians 14:26
”What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each
one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an
interpretation Let all things be done for edification.”
Colossians 3:16
“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all
wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
Hebrews 10:24-25
“And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love
and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of
some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing
You and I need to come to church because we cannot do it on our
own. It is wrong to say that you can just read your bible and pray all by
yourself all the time, because God’s intention is for the believers to gather,
to encourage one another, to pray for each other and to worship Him together.
While you can worship Him not just on Sundays, I believe that corporate worship
is special and uplifting.
Tonight I had an opportunity to pray for some people that I
wouldn't know are in need of prayer if I hadn't come to church. I also shared a
few good laughs with some young people, got to help out on the registration
booth for the upcoming Youth camp and of course had another great time of
worship. Lastly, I also learned a lot through the Pastor’s preaching. These
things wouldn't have happened if I didn't go to church.
Let us evaluate ourselves every time we think of skipping
church on Sunday. Can we really not come
to church or are we just making lame excuses? I know we can worship and
encounter God every day of the week, but can’t we just make Sunday a bit more
There are so many Christians out there who will risk their life just to gather together, and still they find so many reasons why they must come to church. And of course the ultimate reason is God.
So again, if you just don’t feel like it, it’s non sense.
*Can’t remember the last time you went to church? It’s not
too late to start going every Sunday! J