Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ

Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you t...

Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel. Phil 1:27
I have heard lots of stories of Christians around the world who are experiencing real persecution because of their faith. And every time i hear of these, it challenges me. These people are so devoted to God that they have embraced persecution as part of their life. I read about Francis Chan's experience as he visited the underground churches in Asia. He visited them because he wanted to see for himself these Christians who place their life in danger because of their faith. And boy did he see them.

After hearing a lot of stories of these brave Christians, he asked one of the leaders of these churches this question "Don't you have people in your churches who call themselves Christians but don't really live it out? " and the leader answered him "That wouldn't make any sense..." These people take Christianity seriously, they give up their comfort, their friends, their possessions in exchange for Christ. Yet here we are, here I am, bending in the slightest form of discomfort. We have become Christians by name alone.

Another story was when Francis met with Chinese students who are being trained to become missionaries. He spoke with these students and asked them to share their stories of persecution. The students wondered why he was so interested about these stories, because for them that's just the way the life of a Christian is. They responded with an answer "Of course we experience persecution. Doesn't everyone? Didn't Jesus say that they would persecute us just as they persecuted Him? It's just a part of life."

Yet again, Francis was amazed at these students way of thinking. To them, it's not extreme or really radical, a Christian must and is supposed to experience these things. It's normal.

Francis then began talking to them about the Church in America. Told them that members would sometimes switch churches if the other Church has better music, better Pastors, better Facilities, or better location. And to all these the students laughed, they thought it was ridiculous. These students are worshiping on top of their lungs, with so much passion with just an old stringed instrument. These guys doesn't have any facilities that most American and other churches have. And yet they are the ones who are devoting their lives to God completely. Francis said that he hopes someday these underground Christian Churches will hear stories from Western Churches that will bring inspiration and hope and not the ridiculous stories they hear of the consumer driven mentality of some western churches.

I began to think of these things and I couldn't help but be ashamed of how my life have not reflected the truth of the Gospel. I couldn't remember the last time I talked to an unbeliever about the good news of Christ. I couldn't remember the last time I had a friend that I invited to come to Church. But what I do remember are the times that I have thought of myself and let my heart for God grow cold. These Christians don't know "spiritual coldness", and yet I and my friends continually talk about this as if it’s supposed to be a part of a Christian's life.

To these Christians persecution meant death, physical suffering and the loss of their possessions. Yet to me, persecution only meant getting laughed at when I talk about Jesus Christ. They face death and yet they still go and share the Gospel anyway. I get laughed at and I remain quiet and pray for God to intervene in the lives of these people.

What am I saying here? Am I saying we should all go to those places where persecution is taking place? Am I saying all of us must run to the mountains and leave our houses? No. What I'm saying is that we should stop living a life that is not worthy of the Gospel. I am saying this to myself. In fact I am writing this to remind myself.

The moment i read about the Francis' experience, I couldn't help but be quiet. I went to my room and asked God for forgiveness. I've been so selfish and only thought of my future and how He will make it beautiful and perfect and wonderful and nice. I only hoped for the comfortable and satisfying life God can give. There's nothing wrong with these things...but something is wrong with my heart. I couldn't put it to words.

One thing I know for sure is God wants me to live a manner of life worthy of the Gospel. That I have a greater purpose other than filling the seats inside the Church.  Funny how I thought I am living the Christian life just because I have been an obedient child to my parents, because I am part of different Ministries, and because I try my best not to commit any sin.

Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ. Philippians 3:8

This is my favorite verse, I have found encouragement time and time again from this Scripture. Now I know for sure that I have not discarded everything else as worthless. I am challenged to seek the Lord all the more and share the Gospel of Christ.

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