Thoughts at the beach
10:53 PMLast week probably was the most challenging week ever since the new year began. I battled laziness in all aspects of life and lacked the energy and happiness i always proclaim to posses. But a whole day spent at the beach with the family fueled me, and put that smile back on my face again. Alas! i am once again thrilled about life!
As i spent the entire day under the heat of the sun, it occurred to me that as you grow older you tend to appreciate things more and more. I found myself in love with the powdery feel of the sand all over my body, enjoyed shell hunting with my nieces and nephews, screamed my lungs out in the funniest/scariest kayak ride ever with my friend and just let the sun color my skin dark. I never was one of the many who were afraid of getting a tan, i welcome tan lines like i welcome any shy friend and as i look at my bronze colored legs, i am only reminded of that one happy saturday spent at the beach.
I learn that in life, fear will only restrict you. It will hinder you from enjoying the things that are out there. Things that are fun, and things that will take your breath away in wonder. It was my first time to try kayaking that saturday, i was all game for it, however the fear of drowning in open waters hindered me from getting the most out of it. I can swim, but not as good as everybody else, i experienced drowning twice and i can remember how i thought it was the end of my life. However with the help of a life vest (hah), i gracefully paddled through the salt waters and let the waves sway me in peace. I plan to take up some swimming lessons in order for me to conquer my fear, and finally experience the wonder of swimming in the oceans. I can only imagine how satisfying it will be.
Just as i said earlier i was never afraid of getting a tan. Filipinos are bombarded with whitening products here and there, and so we get this idea that beauty is all abut having that perfectly white skin. I am not against anyone wanting a fairer, and whiter skin but what i observed is that it limits that person to enjoying things only after the sun has come down. It's funny but it's true. I don't know, but as i grow older and (hopefully wiser) i begin to realize that beauty is really what's inside, the outside will not last, our skin will dry up, get wrinkly, get dark, but a true beautiful person will stay eternally beautiful. And would you agree with me that happiness is very attractive? Every one is created beautiful, but a happy person really glows. That is the reason why i invest in doing things that makes me happy, i spend time with people that makes me happy, and of course get my unlimited supply of Joy from my Father. And so as i ponder about this definition of beauty, may i just say that i think i am beautiful. haha :)
So these are some of the thousands of thoughts i had when i was at the beach this weekend.
Now i can only think of coming away to the beach once again, hear the waves crash to the shore, go shell hunting, and just experience more of this wonderful blessing God has given all of us. So if you ever are feeling less creative and less enthusiastic about life in general, why don't you come away to the beach? Or try different things, conquer fears or just stand still in wonder of how beautiful life really is. I know this blog entry has been quite random, but i can't help but be random when i am filled with so much happiness and joy.
I hope you all have a fruitful week!